Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Deondre's Blog

My landlady's sister started living in the apartment behind the utility room sometime over the winter break. Her son has taked quite a liking to me. I think it's cuz he's facinated by the dogs... actually all the animals (goats, cats, etc). They all play together in the street with another neighbor kid up the road.

One day Deondre came home and asked if I could help him make a website. He wanted to call it www.top10.com. I told him that websites cost money and that particular address was probably taken. So I suggested he think about making a blog.

He thought that was a fun idea, so i showed him mine. Then I gave him some paper and had him write it all out. A few days later, when I was babysitting (long story), we made his blog together. To look go to Deondre's Blog, but be sure to vote on his polls because it's exciting for him! He also has a Clustr Map to log your location.

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