Monday, February 25, 2008

Mid Semester Break 3

Saturday I slept all day. Was so exhausted from a week of tests. Have another test tomorrow (Tuesday) so I haven't even been able to go to the beach all weekend.

Good news though: I got Salty's life jacket, so now she matches Rudder! And I can drag them both in the water while I snorkel. Exciting!

Also got my shipment of tea so I can be hyped up on caffeine while I study. Bought another blanket at a 7th semester sale, so I'm all huddled up with my blanket, heater, sweatshirts, etc in the campus library. Bartered for a coffee pot too so make the Godiva Hazelnut coffee I bought myself for Xmas. I mentioned it's been cold here right? Got down to 80F the other night. Freezing! How am I going to make it back in the states, ahem, frigid north!

It's warm today though, cept indoors! That's our tuition money at work I guess.

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