Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Goat #5

We all know I'm a bit of a sucker... but this was only supposed to last for the weekend! On Wednesday, I saw a nanny goat with two little kids. Very cute. One had a bit of diarrhea and looked sick, so I called the dogs back and went back into my apartment.

The next night, the girl next door called me to tell me there was a baby goat out side. (Since I'm the one to drop baby goats off on.) I replied to her that yes I knew there were goats, should be 2 kids, and I was sure their mom would come back for them.

Friday night rolls around and the dogs run down to where we sighted the goats before. There is one skinny sad little baby goat. This was the healthy one, not the one with diarrhea. The nanny wasn't in sight. I made the decision to take the kid home, just for one night until I could find it's mother. She had one red tag and one yellow tag in her ear, so I figured it'd be relatively easy.

Wrong! She was no where to be found, so I kept the little guy for another night. Several days later I found the nanny goat. She had rejoined the herd, but didn't have the other baby with her. One of her udders was huge, oozing pus. Mastitis is pretty painful, so she must not have abandoned her cute little kids.

This means I have a little baby goatie! I'm only going to keep it for a little while, only until it can rejoin the goat herd. Pretty cute little guy huh? Liz named him Ting. This is the 5th goat/sheep I've had in my apartment!

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