Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Puppy Pit

Rule #1: Don't pick up strays.

On Sunday I got a call from the clinic emergency line. Confused, I answered. It was the veterinarian I'd come to know fairly well (she put down the horse that was hit by a bus and the last mouse Mango mangled). She told me about a case they had of a dog with puppies and asked me if I'd be willing to foster and feed the pups.

Now, taking pups away from their mom, especially at 4 days old, is the last resort. Out of 11 born, 4 were left and fading fast, however it would be up to the owner to decide.

When I spoke with the owner, I repeated the above and told him if he wanted me to feed them he'd have to pay for milk (which is expensive here). He said 3 were left and he'd call me back.

Monday goes by without the vet nor I hearing from the owner, but then on Tuesday, I got a panicked call! There were 2 puppies left and he wanted me to pick them up right now!

After I called the clinician (the vet), Jossie, Rudder, Salty the guard dog, and I all hopped in the car to trek to the other side of the island. Literally the exact other side from where I live. It's not a big island, but my poor car clanks on the rocky roads!

The 2 remaining pups, mom, and another dog looks alright as far as island dogs go, but sometimes you can't really tell. I took the pups and explained to the owner that I would keep the pups if he didn't pay for my milk up front (ie before I drove off). The amazing part is that he cooperated and gave me milk money! I feel so persuasive.

So I have my first client under my future vet practice it seems! (If they live; one has a very serious eye infection, and both are pretty icky looking.)

They are "pure-bred" Pit Bulls and he will surely sell them upon their return. Both are brown and both are male. Jossie and I decided we should write a collection of short stories or poems of our island adventures.

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