Thursday, August 21, 2008

I have a telephone!

That's right folks, I've moved into the 20th Century... er, make that the 21st Century?

The brand is Magic Jack and it is basically a USB with a phone jack in it. It hooks up to my computer and then you just plug the phone in! How great!

Even better is the price! It was $40USD for the device and a year of service. If I keep it, it's $20USD/yr after that. Much cheaper than Vonage which is $25USD/mo.

It is a states number, a Dallas 214, so everyone could call and pester me, but the battery in the phone my mother brough me only lasts for 38min, so my class may be limited. Email me if you want my new number or send me your number.

My computer has to be on to accept calls, but the Magic Jack emails me digital voice messages, which I can check anywhere, even at school.

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