Saturday, November 8, 2008

By Candle Light

For a few solid days, we had power. I've decided that electricity is the single most important invention in the world, and far better than the wheel.

This week (probably because I had 2 exams) power has returned to its intermittent status. Since no one [in the civilized world] can really appreciate what it's like to not have power, I took a video (make sure your sound is on):

Then the power came back on!

And then it went off again. Sigh.

It could be worse though! Our water is now REALLY BAD. It's no longer clear, but instead has a watered down coffee colored appearance and smells like... Yes well, I didn't realize and used it for a whole pot of coffee one morning this week! Yum yum! I'm waiting for the Cholera symptoms to reveal themselves, leaving me prostrate on the floor in a disgusting mess (like my new favorite movie, The Painted Veil). I am not a hypochondriac; this could really happen here, it's a legitimate concern!

Grades and school are still my primary concern. So is being a vet still worth it? Yes.

...Or is that the crazy person in me talking?
There's no place like a tropical island paradise... Click heels...
There's no place like a tropical island paradise... Click heels...
There's no place like a tropical island paradise... Click heels...
Hmm, seems that didn't work, I'm still in St Kitts.

Actually, and this is really cute, someone at school made Ross Vet School "Survivor" T-shirts. I bought two. Hope I make it to the final round (7th/clinics). Forever the optimist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad. With the way the economy is going these days, we're all doing to be reading by candle light before long. ;)
