Friday, May 15, 2009

Oklahoma State University

"Congratulations! You have been accepted for the September 2009 to September 2010 Clinical Year at Oklahoma State University."

As a bonus, a certain someone invited me to the Cotton Bowl to watch OU beat the hell outta tu in October! (Assuming OSU will let me go.)

My internet at the house isn't working, so I can't make any calls. Will be on campus most of the weekend to try to answer emails and study, but be prepared as my responses might be slow.

Here's other people so far (I will be adding to this list as time goes on):

Auburn: Katie B, Courtney, Kelli, Chris P, Mary D, Dan
Colorado State: Noah, Jon D, Ian
Cornell: Regis, Deana, Maria D
Florida: Alyson, Art, Jenni D, Christina, Kate G, Tricia, Kim, Anna
Illinois: Shannon, Laurie
Iowa State: Sarah D, Sheila
Louisiana State: Jossie, Nidhi, Angel, Juan, Payal
Michigan State: Melissa, Tim
Minnesota: Nicole
Missouri: Becky H, Liz G, Vanessa, Genevieve
North Carolina State: Jenn S, Adam S, Thada
Ohio State: Stephanie
Oklahoma State: me, Crystal, Hannah, Missy, Jennifer L, Stephanie B, Brian, Corine, Denise, KP
Oregon State: David
U Penn: Renee, Kristen W
Purdue: Brooke, Tracy, Liz R, Adam P, Misty, Chanelle
Texas A&M: Anna B, Midge, Justin, Adam C, Jeneal, Tiffany
Tufts: Becky F
Virginia Tech: Joe, Bora, Andrew
Washington State: Julie B
Wisconsin: Kate N

There are 75 people in my class.
Last name's are listed on Dr Wallace's webpage.

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