Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Half Done

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Exams are over! (Until finals.) Over half of my 28-month term is over.

I didn't do spectacular on my Pharm2 exam, but I passed with plenty of room to spare. As long as I don't screw up the final, I foresee clear sailing into Semester 5.

Then one more year, and I'll be back in the states-- the land of exorbitant gas prices and gourmet food. How exciting! Meanwhile, I'm going to go back to the tv and get sucked in by cable.


Anonymous said...

Half-done or half-baked? :)


Karla Turbyfill said...

Definitely half done not half baked. This has been a really great semester, so it’s kinda a bummer for it to be ending. All my profs (except for the PETA nut they hired to teach Poultry) have been really great teachers, and interested in open-minded discussions. This is a dramatic change from last semester when I was trapped in class being taught by a pair of egomaniacs.

Not all of last semester’s classes were bad—I enjoyed Pharm (still do even though it’s really freakin’ hard) and had a blast in Bacteriology. In pervious semesters, I have fond memories of Parasitology (one of the most useful courses I’ve ever taken), Nutrition (cuz the prof is too funny), Physiology 1 (the prof was very energetic). I’m undecided on Anatomy as it was taught by 4 great profs, I could do without the smell of formulin.

I could have none with out several classes too, like Physio 2 (the prof was bad creepy, so bad that the hair on the back of my neck would stand up when I was around him). To avoid conflict, when I don’t care for a class due to the prof, I can often be found in the library. It usually takes me 15min to read what takes some of them over an hour to present, so in some cases, my time is better spent.

I think this is going to be my favorite semester not just because I’m doing well. A good prof can really make a class. I’ll be going into finals with plenty of cushion room, meaning if I bust my butt, I could theoretically make straight A’s, or if I’m lazy, I’ll make 3 B’s (I already have A’s in Epidemiology and Poultry). Either way, I don’t really care since I can’t fail, and that’s a good feeling! (But really, in the long run, who’s going to care if I make an A or a B in Path2, Pharm2 or Clin Path?)