Friday, September 28, 2007

Poor horse

Palpation exam was this morning. It was not difficult. The professor tagged the poor horse's clit though. I think my professors are obsessed with genitalia. A big bunch of animal gynos. Creepy. Especially since we know the vessels and innervation of that location, I feel bad for the poor old horse when the tape is ripped off her later today. Ouch!

I have another exam on Monday. Gross anatomy lecture. I'm sure it will be rather challenging.

I decided what I wanted for X-mas. One of Marie Antoinette's set of pearls. They are only $800K. I think I might deserve them. I would definitely wear them. Just showed a friend. Suggestion was made that I could take out student loans and use that money to buy the pearls rather than pay for school. I think it might be easier to just get a sugar daddy. But I would wear them- even to anatomy lab! :)

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